IPRS Accredited Members Dinner Dialogue 2022

The IPRS held another Accredited Member Dinner Dialogue, hosted this time at Truescope Singapore on 19th July 2022. The lively evening was attended by 20 IPRS Accredited, Corporate and Full members and invited guests. The topic: How Are Organisations Embracing Sustainability In Singapore.

The tone was set by our two speakers Audrey Tan, Assistant News Editor/Science & Environment Correspondent, The Straits Times and Audrey Tan, Lecturer Republic Polytechnic as they opened the dialogue with sharing their personal journeys in sustainability. Bringing the increasingly complex narrative down to earth, the speakers stressed the importance of research, deep understanding and going beyond the cursory in communicating sustainability efforts.

A teaser report from Truescope showed what’s trending: climate change; interest in leader's who champion climate care; and brands who are talking about sustainability. Media chat shows that people do care about sustainability and respond most to immediacy, innovation and action.

Veterans and leading sustainability practitioners in the audience contributed their perspectives. In summarising these seasoned voices - sustainability must not be for sustainability’s sake. A sustainable business values costs efficiency, it seeks diversity and pledges to uphold standards. Switching to green is ultimately good for the bottom line.

The dialogue ended on a positive note. There is progress. On the media front, there are more articles on sustainability solutions vis a vis sustainability crisis.  Individuals are taking personal responsibilities. Companies are taking initiatives and responding to regulations to cut emissions.

The good old message of reduce, reuse and recycle holds true. One thing for certain, there is no turning back from being more and more green. The alternative is unthinkable.

So where, and how do we start? Perhaps by answering these questions:

  • What does sustainability really mean?
  • What does the science say? Single use plastic or cotton recyclables?
  • What are our sustainability goals and how are we going to achieve it
  • Can we pass an organisational audit on sustainability, internally and externally?
  • What is our commitment to the timeline?
  • What are these - UN SDGs, GRI, SASB, VRF, TCFD and more?

Thank you, IPRS Past President Bhavani, Jason Lee and Kelvin Koh, from Truescope, for making this event happen. The evening ended with drinks courtesy of Praelum Wine Bistro, sustainable wine of course.

Bringing the increasingly complex narrative down to earth, the speakers stressed the importance of research, deep understanding and going beyond the cursory in communicating sustainability efforts.

Download: Truescope Teaser Report and IPRS Survey On ESG Communications 2021.

The IPRS Secretariat